Camp GPS coordinates: 49°43'11" N, 12°26'19"E
You will go by train or bus to the town of Tachov. To find the best way to the place we offer to look it up on internet server here. From Tachov it is possible to take a bus to Stará Knížecí huť, though it makes for this village only twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday, at 7.00 and 15.10. However, in the case of working days you can use the bus going to Lesná and walk the rest of the way to Stará knížecí huť following the main road and the map.
If you go by car, use the motorway D5 through Plzeň, exit Tachov, through Lesná to Stará Knížecí huť and through the No entry sign following the map. Park the car on the road beside the old and water-free mill race.
Map (from the Czech side) for print here (170Kb)
Map (from the German side) for print here
Journey from Germany following the map, to Weiden by the train and than from Weiden to Neudorf by bus. The distance between the camp and Neudorf village is approx. 1.5 km.